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A salient lesson about gambling

Posted: 07 May 2022 13:24
by Dave the rave
From a friend of mine, ( Roger is his brother ). Didn't know either back then ...

Here's,s a tale about Roger's gambling from 1978. He went to the 3Cs casino with brother Stan who was on the dole. He had £30 on him and began playing roulette, doubling up while on a hot streak. By 9pm he had won £9,700 but refused to stop. That money back then could buy a terraced house. By 10.15 the pair walked up to Hearsall common to get the bus home. Stan paid his 10p bus fare !!!. He was skint. My girlfriend at the time was a young lady named Carol Brown whose mother was the manager at the casino. She told her daughter what had happened. Carol then blew me out .

Re: A salient lesson about gambling

Posted: 07 May 2022 21:32
by Keith Bennett
Um . . .