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Posted: 22 Mar 2021 11:28
by exlkrs
Chap looking in a Jeweller's window. (Pre lockdown joke this). Elephant saunters up, bricks the window and does one with a front full of swag. Chap is rooted to the spot in amazement and is immediately arrested. Interview went like this. 'Wasn't me it was an Elephant'.... 'Yeah, right pull the other one'.... 'No i swear it was'..... 'OK describe it'..... 'Big, grey etc'... 'No, more detail that that, was it an Indian or an African elephant?... 'What's the difference?'..... 'One's got big ears, one's got small ears'..... 'Dunno it had a stocking over its head!

Re: Robbery

Posted: 22 Mar 2021 17:19
by Keith Bennett
Oy, shouldn't you be working on the A40???