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Just to emphasise.
Posted: 21 Jan 2020 12:49
by Dave the rave
The A40 Farina Club takes no responsibility for the accuracy of information of cars advertised on this website. These cars have not been inspected by club officials. All details of vehicles are supplied by the vendors and any potential buyer should confirm their accuracy by independent inspection.
Re: Just to emphasise.
Posted: 09 Mar 2022 15:02
by Matty
Too late, I want a refund
Re: Just to emphasise.
Posted: 09 Mar 2022 17:24
by Dave the rave
Ha, too late y'aint 'avin it, I've spent it....
Re: Just to emphasise.
Posted: 10 Mar 2022 10:29
by Keith Bennett
Many years ago we had a commercial spares supplier called Henry Maslin - a lovely chap although very sadly prone to bouts of depression.
Bar and I once visited him at his home in Swanley, Kent to collect a door for Gab. Once the cash was safety in his paws he assured us the door was fully guaranteed until sundown or until we got to the M25 !
We were very sorry to hear of his untimely death just a few months later.