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Val's on Youtube!

Posted: 08 Oct 2023 22:08
by Maya
A bit of a late post about this, but I haven't been well for a while. Anyway! The Trentham Gardens classic car show happened to fall on my birthday this year, so my dad and I went along in Valentina. More on that (hopefully) in the next FN!

But for now, here's a Youtube video from the show, on the channel "Old Classic Car", who owns a Mk1 A40 himself and who I happened to end up parked next to. Valentina appears a few times in the first two minutes of the video, and again for a more detailed look at 42:30. A second Mk1 (whose owner I unfortunately didn't run across) appears around 1:31:00.

Re: Val's on Youtube!

Posted: 09 Oct 2023 11:25
by Keith Bennett
Happy Birthday, and we all hope you return to full health very soon, Maya.

Thanks for waving the A40 Farina flag at that very well attended Show. I watched the video and am in awe at the commentator's knowledge.

Re: Val's on Youtube!

Posted: 09 Nov 2023 21:28
by Old Classic Car
I thought it about time I (re)join the forum, glad you liked the vid Maya and great to see your A40 at the show. I did a different vid about hunting for classic cars in Devon recently and was amazed how many A40s we discovered through chance, and word-of-mouth.


Re: Val's on Youtube!

Posted: 12 Nov 2023 08:52
by streetscreamer
Nice to see your car and the comments on which parts are genuine or updated.

But:....why the Lotus Esprit is a complete contrast...? :mrgreen: