Coronavirus info

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Keith Bennett
Posts: 1522
Joined: 09 Nov 2019 21:40

Coronavirus info

Post by Keith Bennett » 18 Mar 2020 09:00

There's plenty of general advice 'out there' but my wife - an ex-pharmacist - says that for us motoring souls we must clean our hands with alcohol wipes kept in the car after refuelling the car and after entering the card's pin when paying for it. In her opinion those two things will be two of the worse places for picking up the virus.

Where possible use the back of the hand when pushing open doors and tuck the hand into the sleeve when pulling them open.

She also says that using soap and water is much better than alcohol-based fluids because the action of the soap destabilises the capsule which surrounds the virus and so prevents its ability to infect.

Finally, do not touch your face - the eyes, ears, nose and mouth are the principal entry points for the virus.

Keep Calm & Carry On!

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Mike Hodgson
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Re: Coronavirus info

Post by Mike Hodgson » 18 Mar 2020 15:46

Good advice ,
our local fuel station are requesting customers to pay contactless when they can and the cashier wears gloves when handling money.
As an aside when the over 70s are confined to barracks for 3 months the House of Lords is going to be pretty empty.

Ignored Gov. advice and went to local pub with friends for a meal ,we were the only customers !!.Later we went to Aldi for a few things and guess what ,the place was heaving with people .So which is safer a virtually empty pub or a crowded supermarket?.
Our voluntary self isolation starts from tomorrow.

Keith Bennett
Posts: 1522
Joined: 09 Nov 2019 21:40

Re: Coronavirus info

Post by Keith Bennett » 18 Mar 2020 20:24

Sensible move for you and Mrs Mike. At least your home isn't surrounded by a huge housing estate, so the isolation should work well. Take care of yourselves.

During my time working at the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, occasionally the academics would hold a one-hour lunchtime free lecture for members of the public. One such was entitled "Our civilisation - 96 hours thick?" The professor outlined what would happen if oil, gas, water and electricity supplies were turned off: within four days we would all be breaking into supermarkets and looting the food.

One audience member said that her old mum (who'd been through WW2) always had a good stock of tinned food and candles in case of power cuts. Arthur countered that assertion by asking the lady, "Imagine a cold, wet night with no electricity. Your mum's house showed a flicker of light, and cooking smells were coming from it. How long do you think she'd be left alone?"

Interestingly, the lecture was postulated on the removal of physical support within one country: today the entire world is being brought to its knees by one tiny virus, an invisible enemy which is proving elusive. Troubling times . . .

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Re: Coronavirus info

Post by Stoney13 » 23 Mar 2020 19:42

well bar is correct 100o/o , carbolic soap is the best, and mike and mrs mike keep safe my friends ;)
if it has wheels RACE IT, break it,fix it, RACE IT :twisted:

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