Here's a rally much closer to home!

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Keith Bennett
Posts: 1531
Joined: 09 Nov 2019 21:40

Here's a rally much closer to home!

Post by Keith Bennett » 11 Jan 2021 19:48

After the excitement of undertaking the Monte Challenge twice, Tina the Farina's owner Chris Mockridge is now busy terrorising the quiet roads around Somerset and Devon in the HERO Challenge. here's the stirring tale of how he and navigator John Varney got on...
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(If you think the blurred image above is a Morris Traveller, think again! Member Bob King from Australia is building the world's first A4o Farina 'Traveller' - and making a superb job of it, aided and abetted by another Club member and best mate Peter Asquith. A couple of years ago he built the world's only street-legal A40 Farina Convertible, and very nice it looks, too.
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FN 163, 3.jpg

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