An A40 Club picnic!

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Keith Bennett
Posts: 1506
Joined: 09 Nov 2019 21:40

An A40 Club picnic!

Post by Keith Bennett » 15 Aug 2022 10:12

Izzie's Picnic, was held - as it turned out - on one of the hottest days of the year. Heckington Windmill can be found a few miles east of Sleaford in Lincolnshire (www, and is a very rare eight-bladed example, designed with double the usual number of sails in order to maximize the sometimes quiet airs in Lincolnshire but also, through gearing, to have a powerful torque able to turn really heavy grind stones. It's actually the only surviving eight-sailed mill in the UK, originally being constructed in 1835 as a five-armed mill but in 1892 three more arms were added. Major repairs were completed in 2004 which brought it back into full working order.

Four A40s turned up plus a Fiat Abarth (the owner's A40 being garaged for work) and we all hid in the shade for our picnics before exploring the mill. It wasn't in operation that day (which was just as well because visitors aren't allowed inside - huge unprotected cogs and revolving shafts would give a Heath & Safety inspector seven sorts of fits).

The almost vertical wooden stairs proved quite an ordeal but as each floor was reached, different aspects of the milling system were revealed. And of course the view from the top-most window was amazing. Sadly we weren't allowed out onto the sail gallery which surrounds the mill at the lowest point at which the sail arms pass: that's there so the miller can set and adjust each canvas sail as he rotates the arm.

Most of the machinery is wooden apart from the steel straps and other high-loading items and the simple but massive workings of the mill stand as testament to the skills of the original designers and builders.

The railway line between Skegness and Grantham passes close by the mill - indeed there's a tiny station and a level crossing manned from the adjacent signal box. A small railway museum is housed in part of the station buildings open at limited times (ring 01529 460177).

It was a lovely meeting and Izzie Turner is to be congratulated on masterminding the day. After a very tiring journey in sweltering heat (thank heavens for the A40's huge radiator!) I personally found the peaceful surroundings of the mill were very welcome.
Shady characters, these A40 owners!
Shady characters, these A40 owners!
iz 3.jpg
iz 6.jpg
screenshot courtesy of Flickr
screenshot courtesy of Flickr

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Re: An A40 Club picnic!

Post by Maya » 15 Aug 2022 12:33

Forgive me for being a nerd about such things, but Heckington station is not far from two of the least-used railway stations in the whole UK - Havenhouse and Thorpe Culvert. They make Heckington look like London Waterloo!

You're all very brave for heading out in that heat. I was hiding indoors with an air conditioner...

Keith Bennett
Posts: 1506
Joined: 09 Nov 2019 21:40

Re: An A40 Club picnic!

Post by Keith Bennett » 15 Aug 2022 14:28

We might possibly be brave but you assuredly are the more sensible!!

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Dave the rave
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Re: An A40 Club picnic!

Post by Dave the rave » 15 Aug 2022 15:12

That last pic really threw me Banbury....... Diesel Multiple Units like that were all withdrawn 25 years or so ago.........then I saw "courtesy of Klickr"........ :roll: :roll:
Fasserkinatin' info re the millwind too..... :D
If in doubt....kick the Ruskies OUT ❗

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