Regalia at the AGM

Dave Smith :- 01274 636675
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Joined: 12 Nov 2019 16:30
Location: West Yorkshire

Regalia at the AGM

Post by davidgsmith » 26 Apr 2024 15:19

2024-04-21 11.27.20.jpg
Hello everybody :)
I know we look happy, but unfortunately, we won't be able to attend the AGM / Social Weekend this year.

So if you want to save on Postage when you Order your Regalia, Derek has kindly offered to hand out anything at the weekend which has been pre-ordered from us beforehand.
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For our amazing Polo Shirts - fantastic Mugs - brilliant expanded Farina News Binders - lovely shiny New Grille Badges and more, please give me a call : 07711 445292 or email me

Thanks everyone :)
David & Christine

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