compliment from a30/35 south west group

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compliment from a30/35 south west group

Post by Stoney13 » 31 Jan 2020 20:53

while reading the south west group magazine...... i'll explain, as most may not know im also a member of the A30/35 club at a national level and also a active member of the south west group (a30/35), going to some meetings and events by the club and group.
To the point, we the club got compliments from steve neathey (national club secretary a30/35 club) about how good our club stand looked with exhibits and displays at the NEC last year , and he actually read many of our banners information about our A40s and the A40 van, as our stand backed up to their stand he was able to read the reverse of the banner as well.
This compliment i take to be very encouraging for our club.
id just like to say a big thanks again to who manned the stand and arranged it to be a success ;)
by the way im a member of our a40 club !!!! as well
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Re: compliment from a30/35 south west group

Post by austina40sam » 31 Jan 2020 21:41

This is nice to hear Stony, i think we should all be very proud of our little club! I sure am proud to be part of it!

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Dave the rave
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Re: compliment from a30/35 south west group

Post by Dave the rave » 01 Feb 2020 08:41

Nice one A30/35 Club.
And thanks Sam. :D
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Keith Bennett
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Re: compliment from a30/35 south west group

Post by Keith Bennett » 01 Feb 2020 21:11

Steve's kind words about our stand at the NEC carries a lot of weight because he, too, was heavily involved in creating and manning his own club's stand there and so knows very well how much dedication and hard work goes into producing the public face of any car club.

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