Farina News
This is the name of our club magazine. The club also has this informative website that you are presently reading plus a Facebook page.
The magazine is exclusively for Club members. And, in addition, they have free access to download all, ( or any ), of the archive copies of Farina News dating back to the Club's foundation over 40 years ago.
Club members have always regarded Farina News as the main link between them all, wherever they may live, ( we have global memberships ), and they contribute their letters and photographs in articles for publication.
Farina News is printed in A5 format, in full colour, and appears four times a year in March, June, September and December.
Articles can be sent via e-mail to fneditor@a40farinaclub.co.uk
Any other correspondence should be sent to secretary@a40farinaclub.co.uk
Reports from the various committee members / local group meeting organisers form the backbone of the magazine. Contributions from members are both welcomed and actively sought
Attempts are made to include a wide range of articles spanning restorations, standard specification cars and rally and racing cars. In other words, something of interest to everyone.
The club runs an in-house spares service of both new and secondhand parts which are exported to far off places around the world. You would be surprised to learn where the humble A40 was exported to.
Considerable investment has been made by the club in having repair panels manufactured together with larger parts such as front wings and boot lids. It is the aim of the club to keep as many A40 Farinas on the road as possible.
The magazine is exclusively for Club members. And, in addition, they have free access to download all, ( or any ), of the archive copies of Farina News dating back to the Club's foundation over 40 years ago.